Sustainability & Resiliency


Sustainability and Resiliency

Our team supplies the tools, analysis, research, funding solutions, community dialogue, planning, and technical assistance for local governments to work toward becoming more sustainable and resilient communities. Working within a land use planning and natural hazard context, we use the best available science to identify existing and projected risks and vulnerabilities and develop strategies to eliminate or mitigate them. This includes designing and constructing innovative green infrastructure solutions, developing resilient energy strategies, engaging the community in a dialogue on increasing resiliency, and assisting in the entry and advancement through FEMA’s Community Rating System.

Green Infrastructure

Green stormwater infrastructure can mitigate flooding and reduce the demand on traditional gray stormwater systems. These systems can be integrated seamlessly into redevelopment projects, providing additional benefits. We’ll work with you through the process of designing, funding, and constructing your green infrastructure projects. We can also incorporate green infrastructure requirements into your existing land use, zoning, and flood management plans to encourage or require greater use of these technologies with each development project.

Resiliency Outreach

At BRS we understand the complex and powerful social, emotional, and economic ties residents of coastal communities have to their homes. Discussing projected vulnerabilities is sensitive and difficult. We bring an empathetic, knowledgeable approach to discussions of planning for future risks, and offer a comprehensive suite of actions to gradually transition to a more resilient future.

Community Rating System (CRS)

The CRS program gives discounts to individuals on flood insurance premiums based on community efforts to mitigate flood damages. We’ll work with your construction official or floodplain manager to demonstrate compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), the first step in entering the CRS program. We partner with community officials to maximize the allowable points under the program, identify additional activities to increase the rating, and enter the program to obtain the premium discounts. And our work doesn’t stop there—we’ll also provide your community with a template for streamlined updates to the program to reduce the ongoing administrative burden of compliance.


As a partner with the NJIT TAB program, BRS, Inc. worked with the City of Philadelphia Water Department to develop a tool for assessing the appropriateness of brownfield sites for Green Infrastructure projects.

Marsh Restoration and Resiliency Project
Marsh Restoration and Resiliency Project

BRS, Inc. is working on a resiliency project at the New Jersey coast line that includes/included living shorelines to reinforce eroded locations and wetlands restoration.

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