Owner's Representative


Owner’s Representative

Complicated projects where local government entities lead the charge often require oversight and expertise to manage. We’ve got that. We bolster our municipal clientele’s capacity and technical depth by serving as outsourced staff. By serving as an outsourced extension on municipal redevelopment projects, we keep our clients’ interests as our most important priority.


We’ve had significant success in identifying and obtaining approvals with various federal, state, and local regulatory approvals for our public sector clientele’s redevelopment projects. These include historic preservation approvals, wetlands and watershed permits, soil erosion permits, and others as required.

Construction Management

In addition to preparing requests for proposals and/or invitations for bid, we assist with public procurement to ensure compliance with local and funder solicitation requirements. Our engineering and construction staff will serve as your staff in the field, overseeing contractors, managing deliverables, and assuring compliance with contractual requirements. We’ll see to it that your projects come in on time and on budget, and we’ll tackle issues as they arise during construction.

Davis-Bacon Act and Prevailing Wage Compliance

Depending upon the funding source and nature of the work to be performed, local governments are often on the hook to make sure their contractors are compliant with federal Davis-Bacon Act and/or state prevailing wage requirements. We’ll assist you with compliance from development of bid specifications to providing oversight and reporting during construction.

Harrison Avenue Landfill
Harrison Avenue Landfill

BRS, Inc. has been working with the Camden Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on the redevelopment of an 85-acre former landfill.

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