BRS Projects


Location: Orem, UT

Client: City of Orem


BRS, Inc. worked with the City of Orem, Utah to develop a plan for the assessment, remediation and revitalization of brownfield sites in the Geneva Road industrial corridor.

BRS, Inc. worked with the City of Orem, Utah to develop a plan for the assessment, remediation and revitalization of brownfield sites in the Geneva Road industrial corridor.

The Geneva Road area of Orem, Utah, is a predominantly commercial and industrial corridor on the City’s far west side. This historic industrial area continues to be an important source of employment and tax revenue for the City; however, it also contains many vacant and blighted brownfield sites, owing to the Geneva Road’s rich industrial heritage, many sites in the corridor are considered brownfields. In 2017, Orem received a $200,000 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfield Area-Wide Plan (AWP) grant.

BRS, in partnership with WRT, was retained by the City of Orem to work with community stakeholders to develop an area-wide plan and implementation strategies for brownfields assessment, cleanup, and reuse in the Geneva Road Corridor.

As a result of the collaborative efforts of BRS, WRT, the City, UDEQ, property owners and the community, a robust participative effort resulted in a strategy for the redevelopment of the Geneva Road area’s brownfields that is protective of public health and the environment, economically viable, and reflective of the community’s vision for the area. The plan focuses on development scenarios that catalyze investment throughout the corridor and increase employment opportunities, tax revenues and visual appeal. The planning team also identified actions the City and its partners can take to prepare the sites for the end uses envisioned for the proposed development scenarios.

BRS’s role:

  • Performed EPA grant management services to include fulfillment of cooperative agreement reporting requirements;
  • Convened and facilitated numerous stakeholder meetings and public open houses;
  • Conducted research on existing conditions, including a review of existing plans, review of historic land uses, zoning analysis, market study, and brownfield inventory;
  • Conducted historic land use analysis and developed environmental summaries of existing conditions;
  • Developed brownfield inventory and priority ranking, resulting in the identification of three priority “districts”;
  • Developed a series of potential redevelopment scenarios for each of the three districts, using input from the Steering Committee, the public, and research on existing conditions; and
  • Developed the final area-wide plan document.

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