BRS Projects


Location: Camden, New Jersey

Client: Camden Redevelopment Agency (CRA)

Harrison Avenue Landfill

BRS, Inc. has been working with the Camden Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on the redevelopment of an 85-acre former landfill.

The 85-acre former Harrison Avenue Landfill (HAL) was operated by the City of Camden as an unregulated municipal landfill from 1952 to 1971. The closure of the landfill involves compliance with two different New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) regulatory jurisdictions: Solid Waste and Site Remediation Program. A portion of HAL has been redeveloped as the Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, providing the community with educational, recreational, social service, fitness, art programs, worship, and early childhood care center amenities. In partnership with the NJDEP Office of Natural Resource Restoration, the balance of the landfill is slated for redevelopment as open space, involving the restoration and creation of freshwater tidal wetlands, a living shoreline, an endangered species habitat, and a tidally fed fishing pond.

Project challenges include federal and state regulations impacting development of the waterfront, bald eagle endangered species foraging area, wetlands, and cross-jurisdictional NJDEP regulatory authority regarding the closure of the unregulated landfill, as well as the associated cleanup and redevelopment of the property.

BRS’s role:
  • Serving as a third-party owner’s representative for the CRA, the property owner;
  • Preparing and securing state Freshwater Wetlands General Permit #4 and a Coastal Zone Management General Permit for the interim remediation measures;
  • Coordinating with the NJDEP, Salvation Army, Cramer Hill Community Development Corporation, and other stakeholders to facilitate and streamline redevelopment activities;
  • Securing $1.6 million in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funding and over $5.9 million in state of New Jersey Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Funds;
  • Performing grant management services; and
  • Providing community outreach support through preparation of fact sheets and participating in community meetings.

Learn more about our Brownfields and Owner’s Representative Services.

The Harrison Avenue Landfill is in the process of being transformed into a waterfront park.

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