Since 2004, BRS has been a Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB) subcontractor to NJIT (the primary TAB service provider), performing brownfield environmental advisory services for communities throughout the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Regions 1, 2, 3, and 4. The TAB Program is a technical assistance program that the EPA funds and is intended to serve as an independent resource to communities and nonprofits attempting to clean up and reclaim brownfields. TAB provides access to technical subject experts for brownfields to include devising strategies for:
- Redeveloping contaminated property;
- Establishing funding mechanisms;
- Building consensus;
- Conducting community outreach;
- Evaluating environmental assessment data; and
- Proposing remediation alternatives and redevelopment.
BRS’s role:
- Developing remediation strategies commensurate with community planning initiatives and site-specific reuse considerations;
- Evaluating funding mechanisms for assessment, remediation, and redevelopment;
- Assisting with the establishment of voluntary cleanup programs in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands;
- Reviewing and evaluating environmental assessment data generated by responsible parties and providing advice to the impacted communities;
- Facilitating Interagency Working Group (IAWG) meetings, whereby local municipalities “pitched” their priority projects to targeted state and federal agencies. The objective of the IAWG meetings is to provide direct access to available resources and assistance, including financial, administrative, and/or technical guidance. The IAWG serves as a model for interagency cooperation and direct delivery of federal and state assistance to local governments;
- Facilitating meetings to include meeting planning;
- Preparing meeting materials, such as the provision of agendas, presentations, and visual aids; and
- Recordkeeping of all meetings.
Learn more about our Brownfields services.